Saturday, July 31, 2010


"So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it." -E.Straub

 I love when things hit me over the head.
I definitely need them to, I guess you could call me a stubborn girl.
The thing is, I go through spurts and phases of things.
One week I am writing and soaking in life and thinking and inviting life to transform me and open my eyes and change my perspective but also savor my current one,
& the next I catch myself freaking out, not letting people or person in, closing down my heart, remembering heartbreak and letting it get the best of me, remembering painful life and not inviting new experiences and adventures in hopes that my closing off will protect me from the unknown, known as the future. 

& then, of course, that's when I get hit over the head with fierce truth.
I love fierce truth.
I just told someone today actually how I love me some fierce truth.
The way a quote, or a verse, or a good friend can just speak it into your soul.
This week I caught myself being the hiding Dani, the bashful one before the world. 
But today this quote happened to catch me and remind me that life is about the learning, which definitely comes from the pain and the discomfort of vulnerability and the "edgy-ness" of what the future holds by event, person, and melody. 
What a reminder that pain and value rest at quite the equivalents, 
and that God is more in control than I keep imagining.
Amen to inviting life back in.

Danielle Nicole.