Monday, October 10, 2011


Obedience is one of those crazy things we have to learn throughout our lives.
Sometimes in big moments, & other, & often, times over & over again in little moments.
We also have to rebel against obedience at one point, if not many.
Before we can see to a bigger view, the beauty in submitting to obedience, & the ways it grows, & matures us into better persons than we were before, or when we were resisting it.
On a Sunday recently, I was overwhelmed by the power of love & the power of obedience hand in hand.
Sunset, L Street Beach, & nearly twenty of my dearest friends & family showed to see me submit to obedience & take a leap of faith in front of them.
As I told my story as to why I felt the need to submit, I looked into the eyes of people who love me so so much it could make me cry instantly thinking of how special & beloved I felt in that moment. It was a snapshot of the redemption & grace my life continuously cycles and unfolds into. A redemption of pain & uncertainty, of being bound by fears, loneliness, and abandon, of believing lies of myself. A pure redemption of myself, reminding me of how important, how delicate, and how truly loved & pure I am, right now, even with every second of my past, & every wrong decision I've made, & every wrong decision that's been made towards me.
& As I came out of the water, I was overwhelmed with the peace of my heart & the still-overwhelmed state my heart was in. overwhelmed by love & joy coming from such a pure, & renewed place in myself.
I'm a mess. My life is completely messy.
But so is yours, & yours too, & hate-to-break-it-to-ya but yours too.
But how we are so beautifully connected to one another is such a powerful & redeeming factor of this life. How just a smile, or a text, or just showing up at a certain time for a certain moment of someone's life can literally put worth into another's life, is powerful.
& to realize the beauty & power in that and really show people their worth to our own lives is so important.
So thank you to those who recently have loved me so well & so intentionally & really showed me the value that I sometimes forget I have. Thank you for reminding me of beauty, & of love, & of deep joy.
& To those reading this just by chance, let this encourage you to seek those in your life who impact you, & who you care about & not let that be unknown, but allow it to enrich your relationships & be known & returned.

Danielle Nicole.