Saturday, November 5, 2011

Go thick or go home.

Friendship is hard-work.
It requires such an intentional commitment in order to be sustained.
Like the old saying, through thick & thin, a healthy friendship can only mature & digress through both the thick & the thin, the good & the bad, the convenient & inconvenient through hard intentional work & commitment.
And that's the thing, relationships shouldn't be about the context of situations one comes across, or the convenience involved in the interact.
A relationship should be all about the persons involved.
Relationship means an emotional or other connection between people. 
Not between jobs, or between locations, or between television series.
Between People.
All the rest are things that may affect relationships,
but the most important,
the most basic,
the most simple core of relationships are the people involved.

So why are we always afraid to get down to the hard parts & put the people in our lives & relationships first? Why do we pull away when our location, or job, or conveniences are at risk or at a distance? Because it's more comfortable, because we think it will be easier? Truly great things aren't usually very easy to come by, so why not dig a little into the thick, the ugly, the hard parts of our lives & of those we interact with & build a little deeper?

Just a thought.

Danielle Nicole.

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