Friday, November 18, 2011

Twin Hearts.

This girl.
She has always looked up to me. However, I find this rather curious because she has been such a huge role model in my own life for years, which is possibly unknown to her, which leads me to want to share her impact in my life even more.
this girl is breathtaking, she is smart, her heart is huge, and she has a fierce strength in her that I definitely envy in my ever so frequent moments of weakness. I love the way she lives and learns to the ultimate potential that she can. Living by trial & error, always trying something to learn if she loves it, or if it wasn’t her best life decision, but nonetheless always learning.
Something about the way she dives head on straight into life always drives me to a deeper admiration and desire to pursue that strength and confidence she carries. She is not afraid to be herself, or to change herself as she pleases according only to her liking of herself, not to anyone else’s. And this is why I look up to her, no matter how much older I am. I admire her bravery, & want to encourage her bold, pure love for life and all that it can offer in every way I can. I may have taught her things she loves & appreciates, but I continue to grow into a better version of myself the more & more our relationship grows together. Even in mistakes & seasons of distance and miscommunication, I couldn’t thank God more for her in my life.
Her truth, her humor, and her constant love for me are ridiculous & I am a better person because I have experienced these from her on a radical level.
So thank you E. You make my life more full of life and laughter, & that, is a beautiful thing.
Danielle Nicole.

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