Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Bind.

"'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah,"

Oh Jason, what a lady killer. 
But seriously. This song is absolutely beautiful. Such a sweet, love song full of truth and flooding with an image of the fight in love. & as much as the next girl, I have fallen head over heels for this song and the way it sings to every girls desire to have a man fight for her and not abandon her in the darkness of this life. & As that part of my heart is deeply felt when I hear this song come on, today I heard it and it wasn't singing to me from my someday boy (whoever you are out there).  It was as if my heart was screaming inside me through this song, desiring with its entirety to hear this from those near me, those who consider me a friend, a sister, a mentor, a romance, a daughter, those I need dearly. 
A longing inside for this song to be my roommates letting me know they won't give up on usFor it to be my mother reminding me that God knows we're worth itFor it to be my Dad telling me he doesn't want to be someone who walks away so easily.  For a boy to be telling me no, he won't give up. & For friends to decide they're here to stay and make the differences we can make. 

This song put my biggest fear into current perspective. I am terrified of abandonment. I have endured abandonment of all shapes & sizes. Abandonment by circumstances, by death, by differences in opinion, and by choice, & I have come to decide that none are easy, at least for me. Right now I am in a season of my own darkness of being bound my this fear. It rules my heart and dictates my thoughts, allowing me to believe a ton of lies about who I am & who I am growing to be. Lies that tell me I am never going to be good enough. Lies that tell me I am always going to do something that pushes away those in my life. Lies that demand loneliness. Lies that tell me I am the only reason for the abandonment I have experienced. 
This song sings so deeply into myself because it sings the things I long for the most; a loyalty & fight for my worth. 
& Yet daily I am trying to conquer these lies when they have already been conquered for me. 
All I have to do is believe that. 
Believe in truth. 
Truths that worth, and beauty, 
and strength are at my core. 
Truths that speak of how much beauty and worth 
is in pain and struggle. 
Truths that speak against lies of ugliness and of failure. 
I need these truths right now. 

Today I choose to believe.
Because,  I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not, And who I am.
& I won't give up.

Be free.
Choose truth.
Love beyond reason.

This is what I want today.

Danielle Nicole.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful. Lovely. Whatever you wish to call it.
