Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vocal Heart.

Speak your heart out.

I don't believe in regretting.
I believe there are appropriate & inappropriate times for things to be said.
I don't believe we should hold back because of fear.
I choose to not believe in fear: of rejection, of failure, & of pain.
I believe in love.
I do not believe love is boxed into that giddy, butterfly, space of oneself.
I believe in fighting for what you love.
& I do not believe in ruined friendships over speaking your heart: Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. (Thanks Dr. Suess, wise man.)

What I want most in this life of mine, is to be loved with an honest love.
I don't mean that what I want most is to find the perfect guy & for him to love & obsess over me.
No, I want honesty, I want loyalty, I want laughter, I want imperfection. I just want someone to like me, to know that, and to choose to try, or to fight for me.

I am difficult. Independent beyond reason. I don't settle. I believe in a good, healthy confrontation. I am bold, fierce, and in all of this, I can be intimidating.
This I know about myself.

But in all of that, I also love with my whole self.

And it is from that love that I speak, encourage, and also confront those around me.
Not in judgment or in critique, but instead in love, and in a desire to my core to have honest and authentic relationships all around me. I want those around me to know that I love them, but not just in times of fun and frill, because love is more than butterflies, or inside jokes, or a photo reel. Love is a fight, a vulnerability, and a goal. Defensiveness should be an obstacle to climb, not a reason to bail out and run. Fight for those you love friends. & know that you are loved today, even if it is by a fiercely honest love.

Danielle Nicole.

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