Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Simple Reminders.

I need to be reminded often of people's love for me.  True confessions.

All my fears seem to stem from my biggest, binding fear of abandonment.
I am so afraid that I am not good enough, or that I am not working hard enough for my friends love, all the time. I catch myself recently so frequently bound by a fear of losing the interest of those dear to me.

But today the cutest little card found itself in my mailbox, and within minutes of that my eyes were met with the sweetest simple text from a dear far-away friend. It is in moments like these that I am confronted with the lies I let myself believe. It is reminders like these of people's love for me that I am able to see truth clearly. Even little acts of intention seem to bring a wealth of freedom to a bound heart.
This such freedom was given to me today in these simple, yet invaluable, gifts of affirmation. & it is from that freedom I have received that I am beyond encouraged to write messages to those I love and who bless my life. A pay it forward revelation of sorts.

So friends, don't keep silent today. Tell someone what they mean to you. Tell your friends you love them. Choose to be intentional. It really could be freedom someone really needs today.

Love you guys,

Danielle Nicole.

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