Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fearless God

"God is not afraid of our questions" --Taylor Storey.

This is something I heard a couple of months ago that made me think. And yet again, these words have found their way back into my head.

4 months ago I had a plan.
3 months ago, I heard about a scholarship that rocked that plan around.
2 months ago I was convinced that I would never get it.
1 month ago I had never wanted something so big & crazy as that scholarship in my life.
& 3 days ago, I returned to the original plan.

Life seems to take the most ridiculous winds and turns. I feel like I am constantly looking to God asking, "Why God? Why couldn't you have just have left that part out? Why was it necessary that I put all the effort into something I wouldn't even be good enough for?"

And as I run in circles with my questions to God, I am reminded of how big God's plan is and that even when I feel entitled to know the justification behind his strategies, I am just being silly. & no matter what I demand, doubt, or question from God,
He is not afraid,
in fact, i like to think He embraces my challenges and questions to Him,
with a smirk ;)

Danielle Nicole.