Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vocal Heart.

Speak your heart out.

I don't believe in regretting.
I believe there are appropriate & inappropriate times for things to be said.
I don't believe we should hold back because of fear.
I choose to not believe in fear: of rejection, of failure, & of pain.
I believe in love.
I do not believe love is boxed into that giddy, butterfly, space of oneself.
I believe in fighting for what you love.
& I do not believe in ruined friendships over speaking your heart: Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. (Thanks Dr. Suess, wise man.)

What I want most in this life of mine, is to be loved with an honest love.
I don't mean that what I want most is to find the perfect guy & for him to love & obsess over me.
No, I want honesty, I want loyalty, I want laughter, I want imperfection. I just want someone to like me, to know that, and to choose to try, or to fight for me.

I am difficult. Independent beyond reason. I don't settle. I believe in a good, healthy confrontation. I am bold, fierce, and in all of this, I can be intimidating.
This I know about myself.

But in all of that, I also love with my whole self.

And it is from that love that I speak, encourage, and also confront those around me.
Not in judgment or in critique, but instead in love, and in a desire to my core to have honest and authentic relationships all around me. I want those around me to know that I love them, but not just in times of fun and frill, because love is more than butterflies, or inside jokes, or a photo reel. Love is a fight, a vulnerability, and a goal. Defensiveness should be an obstacle to climb, not a reason to bail out and run. Fight for those you love friends. & know that you are loved today, even if it is by a fiercely honest love.

Danielle Nicole.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Name.

Dear Danielle Nicole,

Some days I think you chose me, not my mother. My mother thought you looked elegant written on the tag of a blouse in 1987. But how much can the tag of a shirt say for a girl? Apparently more than I thought as a child.

I didn’t like you very much back then. I dreamed of being called by something else with deep meaning or attributes of a person that had influenced great women of the past. I wanted you to come from a strong woman who sought to be honest, and aspired to love those around her fiercely: maybe a Marilyn, or an Eleanor. As I grew, I tried to change you to fit another role I found appealing. I introduced you to others as Dani. As Dani you seemed fun, curious, and unique. I thought I could improve you by changing you, but you knew we were fit from the start regardless of my shallow opinions of you. You knew I would one day grow into your strength and poise.

Over the last 6-7 years you have changed me. You have shined light on a part of you I couldn’t see before. You have led me to believe in dreams, in fears, and in accomplishments. You remind me to believe in laughter. I have grown into your desire for exploring and for all things that float and sparkle. If you were an object you would be a balloon because you love to rise to the occasion and to lead when there is opportunity for growth. If you were a song you might play loudly Beyonce’s “Single Ladies,” because your heart leans towards encouraging women to know their worth. Your love language is writing and that language echoes your love for those around you. Words of affirmation and of excitement for life and adventure seep through you. If you were a color you would be gold because you value life to it’s fullest potential and your worth isn’t found in temporary light. You mean: “God is my Judge, Victory of the people,” and this meaning has shown its face in you more and more each year. You seek many adventures and goals to accomplish, but ultimately judged not by any peer, or scholar, but instead, judged by God alone. Even as I shy away from roles of leadership from time to time, you push me towards them. In each step you lead me towards an even fuller potential of myself and now as I see your true meaning and worth. I will walk with you to every next chapter, thank you for the ways you have shaped and continue to shape me.


Danielle Nicole.