Monday, September 27, 2010

Grace & Dignity.

I used to think grace & dignity did not exist together.

That they existed against each other.

But I am learning that they can exist together and because of one another, even.

I am learning that I love practicing grace when people apologize, or there is some redemption or act of kindness towards me in return.

But when there is no realization of wrong or pain caused by someone to myself, practicing grace is not something I can bring myself to. I can practice anger, or sadness, or feeling like the world is not right or going to be right until this person admits their wrong. However, in my desire for vindication, I am missing the entire core of grace. Because grace is receiving something we do not deserve. And practicing giving grace is practicing giving something without someone deserving it.  Vindication is not a part of grace. And more so, vindication is not a requirement for dignity, I believe.

What if we could find it in ourselves to find our dignity in our ability to practice grace, real grace, the kind of grace that is given to the hard people in our lives, the ones who have truly broken us? I think this would be the closest to reflecting true Christianity & this act would make a place for grace & dignity to live together, side by side, dependent on the other. This is what I want to strive for, but oh how easier said than done this kind of a matter is.

Well, for now I'm striving.

Danielle Nicole.

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