Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tweet Tweet #Tweeting.

"I really value honesty, a good book, & laughter. #FactsAboutMe"

Oh Twitter, what would we do without good trending hashtags to guide our hourly updates? Obviously we wouldn't survive, at least without good momentary thoughts, & even some very giggle-worthy trending topics, always up to date by the minute of new happening events. I'm pretty sure it only took something like 72 seconds for #Thingslongerthankimkardashianswedding to surface as a trending topic, oh wait 72 was a number for something else.... uhhh... too soon? haha okay but with all seriousness, when in doubt or in a dull moment there is always the helpful trending suggestion such as this one from a few days ago: #FactsAboutMe.

Although I usually glance at the trending topics, maybe have a good chuckle over some, my typical response is to disregard them & go about my day. But this one made me think. With only 140 characters, what kinds of things do you say about yourself? Something funny? The most interesting fact? Something that does not require explanation? As simple as the tag sounded, 140 character facts about me can get a little tricky. I settled upon a tweet of the first 3 words that came to my mind when I said, "Okay Dani who are you?" Honesty. Books. Laughing. Those three things are what I want forever&ever&everamen.

To the very core of who I am I value honesty. I want people in my life who choose to be honest with me. Especially when choosing honesty is much harder than an alternate option. That is when I feel the most loved & the most valued by another. Through my own learning process I have truly learned the value & respect you give to someone when you choose the harder route of pure honesty. Telling a friend the things they don't want to hear, but that are honest shows the character and depth of friendship. Anyone can tell you what you want to hear, or can say nice things to make you smile, but someone who really truly, deeply cares about who you are will tell you the things that make you cry, or make you angry, but in return teach you about yourself, and your walk in life. These kind of friends make you better, & it is the hard parts of life that grow us into more profound, considerate, and elegant people.

Now beyond honesty, you may as well see me as a nerdy comedy. Beyond honesty I just need a good book and laughter. I want to read what other's have to say. What they think, feel, see of this world. Reading someone's writing, even fiction is getting a peak into their soul, their character, their childhood mind even. So much can be seen of author's in their writing & I want to soak that all up. & after I have soaked up words upon words upon words, my next wish is to just laugh. Just to sit with friends or family, or coworkers, and laugh. Simply own up to joy & to silliness, and to how good life can really get, by just letting it out, out loud.  My cousin, E, & I are on this new kick of the.... drum roll please.... Heytell Voicechanger. (what? you thought it was going to be something profound? Download it, I swear it will change your life.) She & I could, and sometimes do, spend hours talking back & forth in little blurbs sounding like chipmunks, or Yezma from The Emperor's New Groove, when she's a cat. The best part is that every other message is just completely a squeeky, silly, chipmunk-y laughter exploding from the speakerphone, which in turn calls for another episode of laughing at the silliness of the chipmunk laughter.  So silly, yet so necessary. This is what my ultimate world looks & feels like; honest, thoughtfilled, and hilarious.

& to think, allllllll because of a Twitter trend, #thankGodfortwitter.


Danielle Nicole.

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